How to Avoid Excess Splashing When You Go Snorkeling

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When you go snorkeling, one of the goals that you should have is to minimize the amount that you splash the water. There are several reasons to keep this goal in mind. The more that you splash and create large bubbles, the more that it becomes difficult to see around you. This can mean that you struggle to enjoy the natural beauty of this environment. If you're filming your adventure with an action camera, the footage may subpar if the water isn't calm. There are several simple techniques that you can use to avoid excess splashing, including the following.

Get Your Feet Well Below the Surface

While it's common to travel just below the surface of the water when you go snorkeling, you need to be mindful of the position of your feet. Kicking with fins on will move a lot of water, and this can create a significant amount of splashing in certain circumstances. For example, if you're kicking so that your feet come out of the water, you'll significantly disrupt the water around you. Do your best to keep your feet well below the surface so that they don't rise above it as you kick. This can help to keep the water calm.

Take Long Strides

You'll often find that long, gentle strides with your feet can produce less splashing than strides that are short and rapid. People who are new to snorkeling can often develop a habit of taking short, fast strides with their feet. These short strides will significantly churn up the water. Slowing your rhythm will not only result in fewer bubbles that impact your ability to see around you, but you'll also get less tired because you'll be using less energy by not kicking as much.

Minimize the Use Of Your Arms

While you can certainly use your arms to help propel you through the water, you should know that using your feet exclusively can often be enough to move your body in a desired manner. The fins that you wear while snorkeling move enough water that you don't need to paddle with your arms. Limiting your arm movement will further help to reduce bubbles and splashing in front of you. Additionally, minimizing the use of your arms will keep them free for various other purposes, including holding an action camera, signaling to your snorkeling partner, and more. Keep these tips in mind during your next snorkeling outing to enjoy calmer water around you.
